
Hardware Requirements

  1. GPU: Nvidia Graphic cards and RAM 2GB or above.

  2. RAM: 4GB or above (8 cards).

  3. CPU: 2 cores or above (8 cards).

  4. Disk: 1GB or above (you need to remove the log files periodically if you turned the log on. Otherwise your rigs will be lack of disk space. The log file will be overwritten after you restarting the prover)

  5. CUDA: Version-12.2 or above.


Supported Distributions

Ubuntu 22.04 or above

Run the agent server

You need to set up an individual machine in the LAN for running the agent server, and make sure that all the prover machines can connect to agent server.

  1. Download the latest agent release from GitHub


Run the following command

wget https://github.com/cysic-labs/aleo-miner/releases/download/v0.1.15/cysic-prover-agent-v0.1.15.tgz

tar -xf cysic-prover-agent-v0.1.15.tgz
cd ./cysic-prover-agent-v0.1.15

if everything goes well, you will see the files bellow:

cysic-prover-agent  start.sh
  1. Run the agent server

Before you start the agent, please make sure the port is accessible using the following command:

sudo ufw allow 9000/tcp
sudo ufw status | grep 9000

If you want to customize your agent host ip and port, modify it in start.sh:



./cysic-prover-agent -l $AGENT_HOST -notify $NOTIFY_HOST > agent.log 2>&1 &
  1. Start the agent server

Now let's start the agent server

bash start.sh 

then use telnet to check the agent status:

timeout 1 telnet 9000

The agent has been started successfully if you see the output below:

Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

The agent server part is done. Now let's move on the prover.

Run the prover

  1. Download the latest prover release from GitHub


Run the following command

wget https://github.com/cysic-labs/aleo-miner/releases/download/v0.1.18/cysic-aleo-prover-v0.1.18.tgz
tar -xf cysic-aleo-prover-v0.1.18.tgz 
cd ./cysic-aleo-prover-v0.1.18
  1. Install the prover

Run the following command to install :

Before running the command,please change the params to yours: --address: your aleo address --name: the customized name of your machine --agent: your agent server_ip and port

./install.sh --pool tls://asia.aleopool.cysic.xyz:16699 --address aleo18xe6qxxxxh --name machine_name_1  --agent your_agent_ip:port

timeout 1 systemctl status cysic-aleo-prover

you will see the output bellow:

● cysic-aleo-prover.service - cysic-aleo-prover
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/cysic-aleo-prover.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Wed 2024-08-21 06:18:32 UTC; 45s ago
   Main PID: 2807808 (start.sh)
      Tasks: 21 (limit: 629145)
     Memory: 133.5M
        CPU: 1min 19.964s
     CGroup: /system.slice/cysic-aleo-prover.service
             ├─2807808 /bin/bash /opt/cysic/prover/start.sh
             └─2807809 ./cysic-aleo-prover -l /opt/cysic/prover/prover.log -a -w aleo18xe6

You can also check the prover log via command:

tail -f  /opt/cysic/prover/prover.log

*Attention: The prover will start automaticlly after you run the install command,if you want to modify the parameters again, you can the ./install.sh command with new parameters.If you want to stop or start the prover,you can check the commands in the following chapters.

3.Stop the prover

Run command to stop the running prover:

systemctl stop  cysic-aleo-prover

4.Start the prover

Run command to start the prover,if your prover is not running:

systemctl start  cysic-aleo-prover

5.Restart the prover

systemctl restart  cysic-aleo-prover

You can enter your address and check your machines on the pool website after you started your machines(It takes 1-3 minutes ),the official pool website is :


Last updated